Wat betekent: in de lucht brengen

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Wat betekent: in de lucht brengen

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Iemand weet wat in de lucht brengen betekent? :roll:
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Re: Wat betekent: in de lucht brengen

Post by KrisPa »

I guess it means "to bring into light" which in turn means: to disclose something that was hitherto unknown.
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Re: Wat betekent: in de lucht brengen

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KrisPa wrote:I guess it means "to bring into light" which in turn means: to disclose something that was hitherto unknown.
Lucht means air I think? :-(
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Re: Wat betekent: in de lucht brengen

Post by BrutallyFrank »

I have to admit that I'm unfamiliar with the expression. 'Lucht' does indeed mean 'air' and not 'light', although the explanation seems quite plausible.

Can you tell me where you heard this? Even post the relevant text?

Edit: I found three possibilities
1. "Sommige onderzoekers willen meer aerosolen in de lucht brengen om klimaatverandering af te wenden"; which means that they want to release more aerosols into the air. So it's about literally releasing things into the air.

2. "Een nieuw domein in de lucht brengen": is also about releasing, but not literally this time. It's about activating a new domain (a server or a website).

3. "Zij wil lucht brengen in de volgens haar vaak te emotionele discussie ...": is about reviving something. In this case giving a discussion a new stimulance to renew it or steer it into a certain direction.
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Re: Wat betekent: in de lucht brengen

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Vorige keer hoorde ik het zin van mijn lerares.


Ik heb gegoogled, wellicht betekent het: bringing something online? 8)
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Re: Wat betekent: in de lucht brengen

Post by Quetzal »

You're sure that it's not "aan het licht brengen", which means what KrisPa said, and is certainly a much more common expression?

I guess it could make sense for a website, since it's just a different way of saying "lanceren", which is indeed common enough just like English "launch".
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Re: Wat betekent: in de lucht brengen

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Quetzal wrote:You're sure that it's not "aan het licht brengen", which means what KrisPa said, and is certainly a much more common expression?
Ik ben helemaal zeker.
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