Help in Translation : My Piano

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Help in Translation : My Piano

Post by annapollock »

Hi, I have written a text on my piano and wonder how the text would read out in Dutch. A great thank you in advance.

I have a cream-coloured Feuerstein piano. The Feuerstein brand has its roots dating back to 1928, where its makers were awarded the Gold Medallion in Barcelona.

The sound quality of the Feuerstein is best described as delicate and quaint, with a romantic touch to it. Its sound is mellow and vibrational whilst maintaining a clear and distinct quality. These qualities give the Feuerstein its fluidity and adaptability in all musical styles. Thus the pianist has total reign in creating music.

It is the pianist which makes beautiful music; maneuvering the notes to suit one’s emotions. It matters not whether a grand piano or a simple piano is played. The feel and depth of each sound triggers separate musical styles. Do you feel a staccato (“short-detached notes”) coming up when you are jumping for joy? Perhaps you are simply energetic today that you play alla marcia con brio (“in the style of a march with vigour”)? If you are ready to burst into song, why not go for cantabile (“in a singing style”)?
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Joined: Wed Apr 22, 2015 10:55 am
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Re: Help in Translation : My Piano

Post by MelindaOsteen »

You'd better ask for this kind of help at translating or writing services, which are good at it. Check Papers Gear, I am not sure if they are competent at your issue, but you may try. Unfortunately, personally I cannot help you :(
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