Help for translation short audio sentence

[modale partikels]
The Dutch use words like 'nou', 'toch', 'hoor', 'maar', 'wel', 'eens', or 'even' to modify the tone of a sentence. Their only function is to reflect the mood or attitude of the speaker. In spoken Dutch, there is hardly a phrase that does not contain one of these hard-to-explain words.
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Help for translation short audio sentence

Post by Pineaple »

Hello everyone

Happy New Year!!
I am new to this forum and I need help from you dutch speakers to translate for me a very short sentence. It’s from an audio recording. Is it possible for me to send this short audio file ?

Thank you very much 🙏

Best Regards
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Re: Help for translation short audio sentence

Post by BrutallyFrank »

I think you can use to upload a sound file and post a link here.
"Moenie worrie nie, alles sal reg kom" (maar hy het nie gesê wanneer nie!)

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