Position of 'er'

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Position of 'er'

Post by aleix »

Hello guys,

I was reading this page about the position of 'er': https://zichtbaarnederlands.nl/nl/adverbium/er

At the end of it they talk about where 'er' is placed within a sentence and they explain that it goes after de Subject, conjugated verb and Indirect object. But then they show the following example:

(21.35 KiB) Downloaded 292 times

I cannot understand how Karin is here the indirect object. Isn't the indirect object the reciever of the direct object?
What does Loes bring? Loes brings Karin --> So Karin should be direct object?

Either the example is a bad example or the word order that they propose is wrong. Or maybe I don't understand what a indirect object is!

Guys, what am I missing?

Thanks for your help and patience!!
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