bussen, kansen, rozen?

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bussen, kansen, rozen?

Post by dutchdutch »

Hello, I need your help to understand how to form plurals:
roos => rozen, huis => huizen.
But why is it "bus => bussen and kans => kansen", not kanzen?
Are they exceptions?
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Re: bussen, kansen, rozen?

Post by Joke »

s turns into z for plural
- after long vowes (aa, ee, ie, oo, uu)
- after double vowels (mostly ui, eu, ij, oe).
- after -ls, -rs, -ns en, ms

It stays s
- after short vowels (a, e, i, o, u, you have to double the s)
- after -ks, -ps, -fs, -ts

There are however quite a lot of exceptions to these rules, that you have to learn by heart, unfortunately.
Kans is one of those exceptions.

This site has a list of common exceptions (uitzonderingen):
https://onzetaal.nl/taalloket/kaarsen-l ... %20sluizen.
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