subject + prepositional phrase, adverb of frequency + adjective

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subject + prepositional phrase, adverb of frequency + adjective

Post by goran_o »

"Het weer in Nederland is vaak grijs"
I read that the general sentence structure is: Subject + Working verb + Adverb + Adjective + Direct object + Adjective + Indirect object + Other verb.
Is "Het weer in Nederland" treated as subject here or is it treated as subject + adverb of place? if the latter, why does it come before the verb?
Also, why does adverb (vaak) come before adjective (grijs)?
Thanks in advance!
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Re: subject + prepositional phrase, adverb of frequency + adjective

Post by ardlylevel »

The phrase "Het weer in Nederland" is treated as the subject. It refers to the weather, and the phrase "in Nederland" is a prepositional phrase describing the location of the weather. It is not functioning as an adverb of place but rather as part of the subject.
Here's a breakdown of the structure:

Subject: "Het weer in Nederland" (The weather in the Netherlands)
Verb: "is" (is)
Adverb: "vaak" (often)
Adjective: "grijs" (grey)
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