Forum update!

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Forum update!

Post by Bieneke »

Hello all,

You may have noticed that we were offline today because I was updating the forum software.
Well, there is a lot to say about it but I will leave that 'till tomorrow. ;-) The update (and all the technical and practical bits and pieces that come with it) has not been finished yet but for the time being, the forum will -hopefully!- function well enough. I decided to place the forum back online any way, without any further explanations because I am quite sure you will manage to find your way around the new forum. Tomorrow, I will give you a comprehensive overview of the changes and roadmap of what is going to follow.

If you find any bugs, missing functions, or weird functions that should not be here, please post your findings or comments in the subforum Technical Issues.

Do visit the new "Kebbelhoekje"! Click on "chat" in menu in the left menu on the main page. It is a great improvement compared with the one we had before. It is not perfect yet (but it will be ;-)) but I will explain all that tomorrow.

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Re: Forum update!

Post by Bieneke »

Hallo allemaal,

Yesterday, I upgraded the forum software from Phpbb2 to Phpbb3 (or "Olympus"). See for more information. I really love the new version! Many functions that I had to add myself to the previous version, have now been integrated into the basic package. There are a lot of invisible improvements that most of you will not be interested in but there are also some new features that you may find useful, for example:
  • You can create a draft post or draft message.
  • You can attach files to your post or message (I have to adjust the settings before you can use this function).
  • Improved User Control Panel with a very user-friendly interface to manage your profile, board settings, forum and topic subscriptions, and private messages.
  • Improved search function (e.g. "search inside this topic")
For a full listing of the new features (comparing phpbb3 to phpbb2), see

Changes that have nothing to do with the Phpbb3 Olympus forum software are the new chat box (aka "Kwebbelhoekje") and the text ads that are displayed on the forum when you are not registered.

The main work, moving from the old to the new forum, has been done. We can post messages in the forum and chat in the Kwebbelhoekje. What remains is a long list of small and bigger tasks. The list of things to do will never disappear. While we are carrying out existing tasks, new tasks will be added and this is how it should be. ;-).

I posted the to do list here in order to 1) give you an idea what to expect and 2) invite you to share your own ideas. You are most welcome to post your suggestions in the Suggestion Box.

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