Future tense and the use of 'zullen'

Regular verbs, irregular verbs, auxiliary verbs, compound verbs... When do we use which tense? What about those strange constructions the Dutch use to make a continuous? "Staat" my book on the shelf or "ligt" it? Ask all about Dutch verbs here.
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Post by Wim »

Graag gedaan, Tom. You really got the point!

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Post by EetSmakelijk »

Dank jullie wel Tom en Wim. :)
I think I am starting to understand. Maybe I will understand this some time in the future. :grin: :lol: :o
Seriously, I think you have a very good point that the rules of one language do not always apply to another language.
Tom I love your example of "tomorrow I bake cookies". I think an example of something incorrect is very helpful.
I am a lot less confused now, thank you all again!
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ES, S'je, Saartje, of EetSmakelijk
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Erg interessant

Post by iandominicp77 »

:lol: Goed gedaan mensen!!

I have this friend, Morrocan by birth, and now a Nederlander after 5 years in Holland. He speaks and understands dutch grammar better than his native dutch vrouw.

Now, back to the subject matter being discussed.. Am I right in saying that IN GENERAL, DUTCH LANGUAGE USES ONLY 3 CONJUGATIONS (or 3 TENSES). The Present Tense (Present Indefinitive), Past Tense (Past Indefinitive) and The Present Perfect Tense.

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Post by Bieneke »

The present & past simple and the present & past perfect are all (four) very common. The other four tenses (all using the verb 'zullen') are a bit less common but still used frequently enough. That is, enough to study all eight tenses. :P

Contrary to non-native speakers, native speakers do not have to bother themselves with tedious grammar rules to speak the language fluently (although a tiny bit of interest in one's own language would not hurt). As a result, foreigners sometimes write better Dutch than native Dutch speakers. :wink:
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Post by user222 »

Is "zullen" similar to the English "shall"? So saying "Morgen, zal ik naar Amsterdam gaan." is like saying "Tomorrow, I shall go to Amsterdam." in English?
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Post by Bieneke »

Yes, zullen is often similar to 'shall' in that it is used to epxress a promise or proposal (I refer to Wim's post above).
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Post by BillW »

Hi, all.

In English, "will" often means "am willing to" (usually reduced to a contraction).

As, "I will help with the dishes." or more commonly "I'll help with the dishes." I would probably only say the former for clarity in a noisy room.

I have no sense of the Dutch. "Ik wil met de afwas helpen." might mean that it's something I really want to do.

If I have understood right "zal" would be a bit (perhaps comedically) overdramatic when sitting around the table wondering who will clean up.

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Post by Bieneke »

If you say "Ik wil met de afwas helpen", you want to help with the dishes. We often add 'wel' to modify the tone: "Ik wil wel met de afwas helpen", means that you are prepared to help with the dishes (you do not necessarily want it).
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Post by BillW »

Ik wil graag meer Nederlaans leren. Bedankt voor uw hulp, Beineke.
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Post by Bieneke »

BillW wrote:Ik wil graag meer Nederlaans leren. Bedankt voor uw hulp, Beineke.

In dat geval heet ik je van harte welkom in ons Nederlandse Hoekje (viewforum.php?f=7), waar je je Nederlands kunt oefenen. :-)

In that case, I warmly welcome in you in our Dutch Corner (see url above), where you can practice your Dutch.
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