Hallo allemaal!
To like it or not to like it, that is the question.
When I want to say that I like somebody or something, it is normal to me to say:
"Ik vind (object) leuk!" or "Ik vind (object) prettig!" or "Dat is mooi!" or, sometimes, "Ik hou van (object)!".
But the most times I get corrected in some way.
So, is there a preferred way to say "I like it" in Dutch? Or which are the best ways and in which cases do I use the one or the other?
Thank you!
Best way to say "I like it"
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When correcting Dutch texts, (most) vraagbaken use a colour code to distinguish between different types of mistakes. See also: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=753&p=5506#p5506
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Re: Best way to say "I like it"
Hallo Crecker,
Ik heb hier onlangs nog iets over gelezen.
Houden van – referring to people (stronger connotation), things and food
Best avoided when referring to people (unless the desire to express elevated affection/love is intended); although, perhaps, one of the more dominant constructions when referring to liking 'things'.
These two constructions are better suited when referring to people and avoiding the connotation of 'love':
Aardig vinden – people/non-people; 'Leuk vinden' may be a safer option when referring to 'things'.
(Graag) mogen – people only
(This use of 'mogen' is rather idiomatic, and its use here is reserved exclusively for 'people')
Leuk vinden – Can be applied to anything/anyone (except food, generally).
Lusten – referring to food
Lekker vinden – referring to food
Smaken – Food
Understanding the use of 'bevallen', 'meevallen' and 'tegenvallen' in the context of 'to like' may be more trivial than other options mentioned in this post.
Bevallen – can be used 'impersonally'
Becoming used impersonally, it can take a personal subject:
Meevallen (with zijn) – often used when things turn out better than expected; does not primarily mean 'to like' but can in certain contexts:
Tegenvallen (with zijn) – opposite of meevallen; does not primarily mean to 'dislike' but can in certain contexts:
To express that you like 'to do' something:
• Graag + verb in question
• Houden van (+ 'er' construction in second example)
To express 'would like':
Graag willen
If you 'want' or 'would like' someone else to do something, a dat construction should be used.
*adding 'zo' here would change the meaning of the sentence to: "I wish you would ... "
Ik heb hier onlangs nog iets over gelezen.
Houden van – referring to people (stronger connotation), things and food
Best avoided when referring to people (unless the desire to express elevated affection/love is intended); although, perhaps, one of the more dominant constructions when referring to liking 'things'.
Code: Select all
"Ik hou van mijn werk." – "I like my work/job."
Aardig vinden – people/non-people; 'Leuk vinden' may be a safer option when referring to 'things'.
(Graag) mogen – people only
Code: Select all
"Ik vind haar erg aardig." / "Ik vind haar niet." – "I like her." / "I don't like her."
"Ik mag haar heel graag." / "Ik mag haar niet." – "I like her." / "I don't like her."
"Ik mág haar wel." – I quite like her.
Leuk vinden – Can be applied to anything/anyone (except food, generally).
Code: Select all
"Vond je de film/picknick/avond/zeeman wel leuk?" – "Did you like the film/picnic/evening/seaman?"
Code: Select all
"Lust je Chinees eten?"
Code: Select all
"Vind je Chinees eten wel lekker?"
Code: Select all
"Laat het je smaken." – "I hope you like it (= enjoy it)."
"Heeft het gesmaakt?" – "Did you like it?" (lit. Did it taste good?)
Understanding the use of 'bevallen', 'meevallen' and 'tegenvallen' in the context of 'to like' may be more trivial than other options mentioned in this post.
Bevallen – can be used 'impersonally'
Code: Select all
"Het leven in Canada bevalt me best." – "I really like life in Canada."
"Ik hou van het leven in Canada." – "I really like/love life in Canada."
"Hoe beval het (je) in Australië?" – "How did you like (it in) Australia?"
Code: Select all
"Ik geloof dat ik ze goed bevallen ben want ze willen dat ik nog eens langskom." – "I think they liked me because they want me to come again."
Code: Select all
"Ik dacht dat ik Japan verschrikkelijk zou vinden -maar het viel eigenlijk wel mee. || -en het viel inderdaad niet mee." – "I thought I would dislike Japan -but I quite liked it really || -and I did not like it either."
Code: Select all
"Ik dacht dat ik Japan heerlijk zou vinden maar het viel (me) vreselijk tegen." – "I thought I would love Japan but it did not appeal to me / I did not like it."
• Graag + verb in question
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"Ik lees graag." – "I like reading/to read."
"Dat kind speelt graag in de zandbak." – "That child likes playing in the sandbox."
Code: Select all
"Ik hou van lezen." – "I like/love reading/to read."
"Dat kind houdt ervan om in de zandbak te spelen."
Code: Select all
"Ze houdt van een koude douche."
"Ze neemt graag 's ochtends een koude douche."
"Ze houdt ervan om 's morgens een koude douche te nemen."
Graag willen
Code: Select all
"Ik zou graag een kopje koffie willen (hebben)."
"Ik wou graag een kopje koffie (hebben)."
Code: Select all
"Ik wou (zo)* graag dat je me meer hielp met mijn huiswerk, vader." – "I would like you to help me more with my homework, father."
Code: Select all
"Ik/Jij/Hij wil dat ik/jij/hij ... " –> "I/You/He wants me/you/him to ... "
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Re: Best way to say "I like it"
Oh my! This should be a stand-alone section! I will take my time to read it! Thank you, Gules!
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Re: Best way to say "I like it"
Ik vind dit heel behulpzaam. Heel duidelijk. Dank je wel!
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Re: Best way to say "I like it"
Erg nuttig!
Ik zeg altijd: Dat vind ik leuk.
Erg nuttig!
Ik zeg altijd: Dat vind ik leuk.