jo ?

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jo ?

Post by sterrenstelsel »

I looked up "jo" and it said "dank je wel", enz. But, I thought it would be appropriate to say something like "goed gedaan, jo", as in "jongen". Which is right? Is it reasonable to say "Goed gedaan, jo!" ?
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Re: jo ?

Post by BrutallyFrank »

I don´t know in what situation you are, but 'Goed gedaan, joh' could be fine.
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Re: jo ?

Post by ngonyama »

It is pretty colloquial though. Something like: "well done, dude"

Not something you'd say to your boss or so.
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Re: jo ?

Post by Gules »

Jo as an interjection:
  1. Greeting
  2. Farewell
  3. "same to you"/"you too"
The first option is used in a similar manner to yo in colloquial English -- as a greeting.

The second option is similar to the first example except that it's used for 'farewells' (I.e similar to goodbye)

The third option can be used similarly to you too:

- Person 1: "Nog een prachtige dag!"
- Person 2: "Jo!"

- Person 1: "Have a nice day!"
- Person 2: "You too!"
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Re: jo ?

Post by sidoreq »

JO -jij ook (you too) ;)
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Re: jo ?

Post by estarling »

Ik heb gemerkt dat mijn collegas meestaal alle telefoon gespreken afmaken met: Jo!, Doe!
Is dat hetzelfde ding?
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Re: jo ?

Post by humpdainty »

estarling wrote:
> Ik heb gemerkt dat mijn collegas meestaal alle telefoon gespreken afmaken
> met: Jo!, Doe!
> Is dat hetzelfde ding?
Dat klopt, ze gebruiken vaak Jo!
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Re: jo ?

Post by LeSNT2 »

Please distinguish between different words:

yo: same as in English, 'hi', 'ok', 'bye', etc.
joh: interjection, at the end of the sentence: "Goed gedaan, joh" => joh means something like 'I'm impressed'.

A few more examples for 'joh':
'Hé joh!' => Hey, watch out/look out/don't do this!
'Ja joh' => depending on the pronunciation, mostly means something like 'yeah right, I don't believe you'

I never saw someone write 'jo' but both of these words (Yo and joh) sounds like 'jo'.

I would say it's very inappropriate to end your (business)call with 'yo' because it sounds like you're talking to your friends you meet on the streets.
estarling wrote: Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:15 am Ik heb gemerkt dat mijn collegas meestaal alle telefoon gespreken afmaken met: Jo!, Doe!
Is dat hetzelfde ding?
'Doe' means 'to do'. I think you mean 'doei' which is an informal way of saying goodbye.
English isn't my first/best language. So in advance: Sorry for any mistakes!
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