Malen or Molen?

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Malen or Molen?

Post by mahmood »

When buying meat, I would like to say "will you grind the meat"? or "I want you to grind this piece of meat".
As I searched on the web, the meat grinder is called vleesmolen in Dutch. However, it seems that the verb is malen.
So should I say

Will je vlees malen?
Will je vlees molen?
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Re: Malen or Molen?

Post by BrutallyFrank »

Don't say "Wil je vlees malen?" That sounds like an inquery not a request. You have to ask: "Zou u dit vlees voor mij willen vermalen?" or "Kunt u dit vlees voor mij vermalen?" which is a polite way to ask somebody to grind the meat for you.

'Malen' (to grind) is what a mill does. So you refer only to the verb, not the object with which you grind (the mill = molen). With meat I think it's better to use the word 'vermalen' (to grind up), but 'malen' will also do.
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Re: Malen or Molen?

Post by mahmood »

Good practice. Thanks.
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